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0xea (Xea)

Hyia!, Im Xea!; autistic girly creature, born early 2000s in Berlin(still here).

Verified xea creature; most of this page is a json file.

Come chat me up! <3, just don't be a meanie.


Special Interests


Serotonin syndrome
Stimulant psychosis
Transient ischemic attack

Route of Administration Ranklist

Route of AdministrationParaphernaliaSite
  • 1ml BD insulin syringe
  • 1ml luer-lock syringe
  • 3ml luer-lock syringe
  • 5ml luer-lock syringe with butterfly needle
  • 10ml luer-lock syringe with butterfly needle
  • 5ml luer-lock syringe
  • 0.3ml BD insulin syringe
  • Cephalic
  • Median cubital
  • Femoral
  • Dorsal metacarpal
  • Small saphenous
  • Dorsal venous arch
  • Great saphenous
  • Metered-dose Inhaler
  • Vaporizer
  • Oil pipe
  • Foily
  • Crack pipe
  • Volatile fumes
  • Combusted
  • Mouth
  • Injector pen
  • 0.3ml syringe
  • 1ml syringe
  • Stomach
  • Thigh
  • Upper arm
  • 1ml syringe
  • Suppository
  • Rectum
  • 1ml syringe
  • Injector pen
  • Deltoid
  • Vastus lateralis
  • Vastus intermedius
  • Plate and cutter
  • Syringe adapter atomizer
  • Nasalspray
  • Nose
  • Patch
  • Upper arm
  • Stomach
  • Capsule
  • Solution
  • Tablet
  • Powder
  • Mouth

Substance Matrix

Acetylsalicylic acidParacetamolAmisulprideDimethyltryptamineMelatoninL-Tryptophan5-HydroxytryptophanLysergic acid diethylamideDiphenhydramineModafinil
CetirizineFluoxetineLoperamideEstradiolEstradiol valerateEstradiol cypionateEstradiol enantateEstradiol undecylateFinasterideDutasteride
Cyproterone acetateBeclometasone dipropionateBromazepamDiazepamLorazepamAlprazolamMitragynineDextromethorphanOxycodone6-Monoacetylmorphine

Substance Ranklists


LisdexamphetamineLisdexamphetaminefavorite psychoactive substance for productivity; prodrug of my favorite stimulant
DextroamphetamineDextroamphetaminequite stimulating; clean euphoria; minimal side effects
3,4-Methylenedioxypyrrolidinoisohexanophenone3,4-Methylenedioxypyrrolidinoisohexanophenonequite stimulating; quite euphoric; quite entactogenic; heavy cardiovascular side effects; moderate duration insufflated
3,4-Methylenedioxypyrrolidinohexiophenone3,4-Methylenedioxypyrrolidinohexiophenonequite stimulating; quite euphoric; mildly entactogenic; moderate duration insufflated; vaporized has distinctive disgusting mushroom smell
OrthophedroneOrthophedronelighly entactogenic; increadibly stimulating; extreamly short-acting euphoria; intensely addictive; high dosing requirements, although more potent than expected; memory disruption
MetaphedroneMetaphedronelighly entactogenic; quite stimulating; clean but short-acting euphoria; intensely addictive(made me feel as if this feeling would be the purpose of the rest of my life); high dosing requirements; memory disruption; corrosive
4-Methylpentedrone4-Methylpentedronelighly entactogenic; intense short acting euphoria; quite potent; quite tweaky
5-Dihydrobenzofuranpyrovalerone5-Dihydrobenzofuranpyrovaleronemoderate euphoria on high doses; uncomfortable intravenously
DextromethamphetamineDextromethamphetaminequite stimulating; intense but short euphoria; long halflife; strong xerostomia(dry mouth)
AmphetamineAmphetaminesomewhat stimulating; clean euphoria; heavy cardiovascular side effects; very euphoric and practical via intravenous injection
CocaineCocainequite stimulating; quite euphoric; heavy cardiovascular side effects; very short duration; surprisingly entactogenic
N-Ethyl-Nor-PentedroneN-Ethyl-Nor-Pentedroneintense short acting euphoria; quite tweaky
MephedroneMephedronecat-piss odor; lighly entactogenic; quite stimulating; medium dosing requirements
FlophedroneFlophedronevery short euphoria; heavy body heating; quite unpleasant
DimethocaineDimethocainestrong numbing effect both in veins and mouth; mild euphoria; pleasent vaporized
EthylphenidateEthylphenidatemild stimulation; passed out on it on both occasions
MethylphenidateMethylphenidateminimal euphoria and stimulation; interesting when intravenously injected; causes anxiety and strong physical side effects
CaffeineCaffeinelight plesant stimulation; discomfort at higher doses; toxicity has nearly taken my life
NicotineNicotinelight stimulation; causes agitation and headaches; helps take the edge of hard stimulants
ModafinilModafinileffects not notable
PseudoephedrinePseudoephedrineeffective dosing not reached
SalbutamolSalbutamolrespiratory enhancement; minimal to no stimulation; cardiovascular side effects
N-Ethyl-Nor-HeptedroneN-Ethyl-Nor-Heptedronedull euphoria; extreme body heating
4-Methylbuphedrone4-Methylbuphedronebarely active; more sedating than stimulating
3-Fluoroethamphetamine3-Fluoroethamphetaminebarely active even when intravenously administered
4-Fluoromethamphetamine4-Fluoromethamphetaminebarely active even when intravenously administered; softer curve
BupropionBupropionparadoxical pharmacology; caused intense distress


3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetaminemy favorite psychoactive substance; helped fix several friendships; allowed me to reprocess some traumatic events; will turn anybody into a cuddle-machine; do not intravenously inject, will drain serotonin immediately, gave me serotonin syndrome
CocaineCocainequite stimulating; quite euphoric; heavy cardiovascular side effects; very short duration; surprisingly entactogenic
3,4-Methylenedioxypyrrolidinoisohexanophenone3,4-Methylenedioxypyrrolidinoisohexanophenonequite stimulating; quite euphoric; quite entactogenic; heavy cardiovascular side effects; moderate duration insufflated
MephedroneMephedronecat-piss odor; lighly entactogenic; quite stimulating; medium dosing requirements
MetaphedroneMetaphedronelighly entactogenic; quite stimulating; clean but short-acting euphoria; intensely addictive(made me feel as if this feeling would be the purpose of the rest of my life); high dosing requirements; memory disruption; corrosive
OrthophedroneOrthophedronelighly entactogenic; increadibly stimulating; extreamly short-acting euphoria; intensely addictive; high dosing requirements, although more potent than expected; memory disruption


2-Fluorodeschloroketamine2-Fluorodeschloroketaminesimilar to ketamine but more potent; mid length duration(~3 hours); mind melting dissociative effects
EticyclidoneEticyclidone10-20mg smooth long acting(~5 hours) effects; difficult self-asssesment; mania inducing yet functional; help deal with sensory overload, social interactions and fine motor ability
KetamineKetamineunnerving if injected rapidly; body distortion; perception in snap frames; amnesia; time distortion; followed by suicidal thoughts; interesting mind manifestation with positive reinforcement
TolicyclidineTolicyclidinerelaxing yet mania inducing at 10mg
DeschloroketamineDeschloroketaminesimilar to ketamine but slighly more rough
DextromethorphanDextromethorphaneffective dosing not reached; might have worsened previous psychosis


DimethyltryptamineDimethyltryptamine~15mg vaporized produced very light effects but made me leave with newfound meaning and motivation; ~20mg vaporized produced feelings of shooting through space while completely clear in my head, very clean beautiful visuals for 3 minutes; ~25mg vaporized produced feelings of being torn out of my body and lost in space for 3 minutes; ~30mg vaporized made my subconcious start talking "please help me, I want to leave this place(refering to my place in life)"
Lysergic acid diethylamideLysergic acid diethylamide150mcg made me more concious of how dissociation influences my perception of reality, broke communication down to a fluid simplified interface, vulnerable animalistic perception of organic living beings, enabled understanding repressed part of myself

Hormone medications

Estradiol UndecylateEstradiol Undecylate
Estradiol EnantateEstradiol Enantate
Estradiol CypionateEstradiol Cypionate
Estradiol ValerateEstradiol Valerate
EstradiolEstradiollife saving hormone; caused figure changes, breast growth, body hair reduction, skin smoothing and minor emotional enhancements
DutasterideDutasteridesignificantly reduced hairloss; no side effects; very long halflife
Cyproterone acetateCyproterone acetatehelpful when estradiol levels drop below monotherapy levels; no side effects noticed so far
Beclometasone dipropionateBeclometasone dipropionatemight slightly have helped respiratory issues
MelatoninMelatoninbarely effective sleeping aid; potencially improves quality of sleep
FinasterideFinasteridecoincided significant suicidal thoughts; very short halflife; stopped treatment after a month


MitragynineMitragyninequite relaxing yet helpful for working; reduces minor pain; very helpful when crashing from dopaminergic stimulants; encourages sexuality
6-Monoacetylmorphine6-Monoacetylmorphineobtained by letting Diacetylmorphine sit in a low pH solution for several weeks; quite potent; relaxing to the point of inducing sleep; warm; minor pain reduction; helps deal with siginificant emotional pain; weird dream like states which feel fully concious; encourages sexuality
DiacetylmorphineDiacetylmorphineprodrug to 6-Monoacetylmorphine; not very classy
LoperamideLoperamidenothing to note
OxycodoneOxycodonestrong apathy and sadness; feelings of body melting; when injected minor euphoria followed by nausea and intense sweating and warmth with only minor pain suppression


QuetiapineQuetiapinesomewhat distressing / anxiety inducing to use; seams to relieve psychosis at proper dose in the matter of 3-7 hours; quite tranquilizing; unsure about effects on allergy
AmisulprideAmisulpridemessed me up at low dosage; kept me safe at a full dosage; quite pleasant probably due to opioid / GHB effects
PromethazinePromethazineseamed too suggestive to treat acute distress; strongly delayed onset; potencially mild nausea reduction; unsure about effects on allergy
AripiprazoleAripiprazoleway too long half-life; anxiety and discomfort; increased heart rate; teeth grinding


BromazepamBromazepamrelaxing; not very sedating
LorazepamLorazepamrelaxing; not very sedating; strong memory formation supression
AlprazolamAlprazolamhelps in distress; effective sleeping aid; cancels out stimulants if needed; quite potent
DiazepamDiazepamhelps in distress; effective sleeping aid; cancels out stimulants if needed
TemgicolurilTemgicolurilhelps in distress
PregabalinPregabalinreduces some baseline anxiety; doesn't prevent breakthrough sensory overload
ZolpidemZolpidemeffective sleeping aid; strange thoughts and dreams
EthanolEthanolreduces cognitive functioning; euphoric at nauseating doses; rather use this as a solvent
BaflofenBaflofencoincided severe nausea; no notable anxiety suppression at 200mg
IsopropanolIsopropanolaccidental exposure; pretty euphoric and encouraging grandious thinking; causes headaches; ~24 hour duration; rather use this as a solvent


TetrahydrocannabinolTetrahydrocannabinolreduces cognitive functioning; slowed perception of time
CannabidiolCannabidiolcauses mental dulling; CYP2D6 inhibition unconfirmed


CetirizineCetirizineseamed too improve allergy symptoms
BilastineBilastineseamed too improve allergy symptoms
DiphenhydramineDiphenhydramineat 50mg pleasantly relaxing, reduced cognitive ability and agitation; seams too improve allergy symptoms
MirtazapineMirtazapinecreates unique bodily feeling; seams to suppress histamine effects; tranquailized me for 2 days straight
PromethazinePromethazineseamed too suggestive to treat acute distress; strongly delayed onset; potencially mild nausea reduction; unsure about effects on allergy
QuetiapineQuetiapinesomewhat distressing / anxiety inducing to use; seams to relieve psychosis at proper dose in the matter of 3-7 hours; quite tranquilizing; unsure about effects on allergy


FluoxetineFluoxetine noted acute effects; long term no notable improvement in quality of life; slight potenciation of lisdexamphetamine through CYP2D6 inhibition
SertralineSertralineseams to improve well being after MDMA use; notable potenciation of lisdexamphetamine through CYP2D6 inhibition
MirtazapineMirtazapinecreates unique bodily feeling; seams to suppress histamine effects; tranquailized me for 2 days straight

Amino acids

L-TheanineL-Theaninelight but pleasant effects
OmberacetamOmberacetamseams mildly stimulating
AcetylcysteineAcetylcysteinethe taste of rotten eggs ruined my dextromethamphetamine tea
PyridoxinePyridoxineuncertain activity
L-TryptophanL-Tryptophanuncertain activity
L-TyrosineL-Tyrosineuncertain activity


DomperidoneDomperidonepotencially mild nausea reduction
PromethazinePromethazineseamed too suggestive to treat acute distress; strongly delayed onset; potencially mild nausea reduction; unsure about effects on allergy


MinoxidilMinoxidilpromotes hair regrowth; causes respiratory depression at 10-15mg oral administration


Acetylsalicylic acidAcetylsalicylic acidreliefs minor headaches; causes useful blood thinning for stroke prevention